A Kentucky girl moves north. This could be interesting.


There are a number of random, interesting things to do on campus, and I've decided I should take better advantage of them. Yesterday, my friend Andria and I went to a Roma folk dancing lesson. I was slightly disappointed because Andria told me it was going to be Israeli folk dancing, and I thought there might be klezmer music, but Gypsies are cool too. However, their folk dances are hard. The teacher was like, "Okay, here we go. Left, right, hop, touch, right-step, left-front, hop, hop, touch, spin, right, right, left-back. Now with music!" Uh... sure, pal. I did learn a few dances, which was cool and made me feel coordinated, but of course I've forgotten them already. There's a lot of step-hopping involved.

It is, of course, cold up here. It snowed last weekend, which was really pretty, and it's supposed to snow again tomorrow. Here are some photos:

Em, that one's for you.

Outside my apartment on Sunday.

Lake Mendota, frozen. I saw my first ice fishermen!

Temperature: 15 degrees/windchill: 5 degrees
WWTL: Orange.


Well, I sold my car, and just in time, because today I woke up to see SNOW. Lots and lots of it. They're expecting about 5 inches, which, on top of the 4 or so inches that are already on the ground, would probably necessitate me having to move my car. But I don't have to! Because I sold it!

Though I shouldn't sound so thrilled about it. I did love that little car. He may have been prone to having things break down, snap, and fall out on the interstate, but he was a good companion for more than 4 years. I'll miss you, Samwise. I hope you serve the cute musician from Milwaukee as well as you served me. Except maybe without the breaking down so much.

I was going to go to my friend Adam's today to watch some important Badgers game or another (football? basketball? I don't know, I'm just there for the pizza and beer) but with all the snow, I don't know if the buses will be running. Though, this is Madison, 9 inches of snow is probably pittance here. I kind of want to go play in it!

Temperature: 26 degrees
WWTAL: Yellow


Well, I'm back. After four weeks of unspeakable laziness and general sluggery, I'm ready to start classes. I went to work for a few hours, but due to some missed connections with the girl who's interested in buying my car, I don't have anything to do so I'm back to watching TV on the couch. I'm justifying my indulgences with the fact that classes start on Monday.

It's snowing here, but just lightly. It's very pretty. It's cold, but there's no wind so it's not too bad. More later, when I actually have something to report.

WWTL: Blue/yellow.
Current Temperature: 27 degrees