I can now add a new experience to my list of Unpleasant Things I Have Dealt With. When one walks to the bus stop in subzero temps, and finds it necessary to wear sunglasses because the glint from even the weakest sunlight off the sheets of ice covering every surface is literally blinding, one often finds that said sunglasses fog up as one's 98-degree breath filters upward through the three layers of scarf, coat and hood. Today, I noticed that my sunglasses were not de-fogging. I took them off to discover that my breath had, in fact, frozen onto the lenses. Awesome.
Here are photos from last Wednesday evening, after it stopped snowing and the cleanup began.

That snow's not piled up on a curb- it's actually that deep.

Bobcat clearing snow from the sidewalks.

Dump truck taking snow to be dumped out of town.

That snow-fence is probably about shoulder-high on me.
And now some photos from my weekend away in Galena, Illinois:

A little knee-deep hiking.

Playing in the snow with my friend Lindsay.

Sean makes snow angels while Patrick watches me try to get up.

Snow is a lot prettier in the countryside.
Temperature: 4/-5 windchill
WWTL: Alarmingly red.
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