There are a number of random, interesting things to do on campus, and I've decided I should take better advantage of them. Yesterday, my friend Andria and I went to a Roma folk dancing lesson. I was slightly disappointed because Andria told me it was going to be Israeli folk dancing, and I thought there might be klezmer music, but Gypsies are cool too. However, their folk dances are hard. The teacher was like, "Okay, here we go. Left, right, hop, touch, right-step, left-front, hop, hop, touch, spin, right, right, left-back. Now with music!" Uh... sure, pal. I did learn a few dances, which was cool and made me feel coordinated, but of course I've forgotten them already. There's a lot of step-hopping involved.
It is, of course, cold up here. It snowed last weekend, which was really pretty, and it's supposed to snow again tomorrow. Here are some photos:

Em, that one's for you.

Outside my apartment on Sunday.

Lake Mendota, frozen. I saw my first ice fishermen!
Temperature: 15 degrees/windchill: 5 degrees
WWTL: Orange.
It's wrong I know, but that snow makes me jealous.
3:54 PM
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