Random Randomness:
1. There was a guy standing on the Library Mall the other day holding a sign that said "Free Hugs." I almost took him up on it because he was cute, and then I remembered about stranger danger. (I guess that would make him Weird Library Mall Person #4?)
2. My framed Last Temptation of Christ soundtrack LP flung itself off the wall and broke on the floor. I have no idea why this happened. Julie thinks God's trying to warn me to turn back to the Catholic Church (maybe when its bishops stop forcing churches to play taped messages about how good Catholics will support gay marriage bans), but I prefer to think my room is possessed, Amityville-style.
3. This happened a few weeks ago, but it still bears mentioning. As I was walking to meet my friend at the coffeeshop, I suddenly found myself in a Legalize Marijuana rally. I was walking down from the Capital as the marchers were walking up and all of a sudden, there I was. My friend calls, asking where I am. "Um, I'm in a pro-pot rally," I say. "It was an accident!"
4. Today the bus driver on the #9 handed me a packet with a recipe for Sweet Potato Souffle and some tips on winterizing my home. I don't know why, either.
Winter Weather Terror Alert Level: Blue (downgraded from a Yellow last week)
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