I could write about my battles with Financial Aid, and how I spent over an hour on the phone getting bounced from person to person, and how I discovered that both of my loans are missing some tiny yet vital piece of paperwork that nobody thought it was important to inform me of, and how I AM SO SICK OF DEALING WITH THIS CRAP AND GIVE ME MY MONEY ALREADY!!!!
But I won't. Instead, I'll talk about how much I love UW's campus. There is so much going on all the time. It's a big change from Roanoke, where the biggest thing happening on either Quad was some dudes tossing a lacrosse ball around, or some sorority girls sunbathing in bikinis even though the temperature is 57 degrees.
But not here! This afternoon on the Library Mall there is a guy holding a giant sign that has a bunch of stuff on it- the Darwin fish, the word "gays," the Star of David, etc.- in a circle with a line through it. The sign-holding guy looks pretty bored, because it's the other guy who's getting all the attention, as he is yelling quite loudly about repenting and how everyone's going to Hell except him and the sign-holding guy.
Yes, it's a Crazy Fundamentalist! Normally, these kinds of people piss me off because I'm pretty sure the Beatitudes aren't "Blessed are those who spread hate," or "Blessed are the asshats." But this time I just had to laugh because this guy? Was shouting- at the top of his lungs and in public- about masturbation. Now that's not a subject I'd expect to hear about in public, much less multiple times and at high-volume. It was too surreal. I wasn't the only one who thought it was funny because there were plenty of other bemused students standing around and laughing, and I actually heard one girl on her cell saying, "Oh my god, you have to come see this crazy guy!"
Later on in the evening, there was a new scene on the Library Mall: knights. Not Of Columbus, but the kind in armor. Who swordfight. In fact, that's what they were doing, as some lovely damsels did a dance (kind of like the dance some background characters are doing in the wedding scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail). It was like stumbling on a mini-Renaissance Faire. I watched for a few moments and a guy wearing period dress handed me a flier for the Society for Creative Anachronism. "You could do this in your free time, if you wanted!" he said. Um, no thanks. It was fun to watch though.
And now it's time to read "Governance in Public Administration and Public Policy: Steering Inter-Organizational Networks." Don't be jealous.
Yeah, UK has Fundamentalist who yell at 'hell bound' college students too. Funny thing is they go away in the winter. Apparently, God does not condemn you when it is cold outside.
4:20 PM
What did the man say that lead you to believe he was spreading hate? Have you considered that he was there in a sincere, albeit perhaps a bit misguided, attempt to save souls?
2:36 PM
The "God Hates Fags" shirt was one clue. Also his declarations that Jews only worship money was another. I'm sure he would have had something to say about Muslims, Catholics and scientists (if his big sign was anything to go by), but I didn't stick around.
I'm sure he was there in a sincere attempt to save souls, but I'm not interested in his brand of salvation.
12:25 AM
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