Well, the hippies next door are playing their bongos again. Which would be fine, because I like drums, but this particular hippie isn't terribly good. Get some rhythm, man! Tap into your suburban-white-boy angst!
I guess they're taking semi-musical advantage of a break in the near-constant rain (and totally sweet thunderstorms) we've been having the past two days. The Midwest certainly doesn't skimp on their severe weather. I did notice, however, that they did not take down their proudly-displayed East German Commie Flag. Taking your flag out of the rain is for bourgeois capitalists, man! Actually I suspect they were all too stoned to remember.
In other No Longer Relevant Fringe Group News, apparently Nazis* are coming to town tomorrow to have a protest on the Capital Mall. Tomorrow is also the day of the Nation's Biggest Farmer's Market. Let's think about this a second: Nazis + The Kind of People Who Buy Locally-Grown Organic Food + Lots of Throwing-Sized Fruits and Vegetables = Fun for the Whole Family! You can bet I'll be there to see what's happening. I'm pretty sure the hippies next door will be, too.
*I find Nazis' continued presence in today's world especially laughable, because seriously, who do they think they're kidding? There's apparently a counter-protest scheduled, but that's just feeding these idiots' delusions that they're important. Ignoring them would really be the biggest blow to their sad, pathetic psyches.
Definitely edited that because that's definitely NOT what I meant. I think they're irrelevant now because while there are a small group of complete and total nutjobs who think they're going to turn America into some kind of whites-only playground, they're not going to succeed. Actual, World War II-era Nazis certainly WERE relevant, but their ideas certainly weren't any less repulsive. Poor choice of words on my part, sorry! Though I'm surprised you'd think I was actually drinking the Gibson Crazy Kool-Aid!
9:22 PM
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