How to Feel Like the Star of One of Those "Girl* Making it On Her Own in the City" Movies on ABC Family**:
1. Dress for Success! Wear a flowy skirt that will billow nicely when a breeze hits it. Wear your hair down for the same reason. Sunglasses are a must, because of course the day is sunny and beautiful.
2. Location, Location, Location. Girls in the aforementioned movies are never walking down a boring, run-down residential street while a vaguely familiar non-offensive pop song is playing. No, they're out in the thick of things, among the bustling crowds! Choose a busy street in the center of town.
3. Walk the Walk. Even if you're lost and have no idea where you are or how to get where you're going, walk with confidence! With head held high, a confident stride and a spring in your step, no one will know you've been wandering the streets for hours trying to find the place to register your car and get a parking permit.
4. Music. Make sure bring your iPod or fauxPod, because the 1-800-Safe-Auto song that's stuck in your head won't really make you feel in charge. I recommend Dire Straits' "Money for Nothing," particularly the part where the opening guitar riff kicks in over the synth, because that is just badass. But really, anything with a good beat will work.
5. Attitude. This is what brings it all together. You own this city! Ain't nobody gonna slow you down, oh no. You're gonna make your dreams come true, doin' it your way! You're gonna make it after all!
*Dudes, you're out of luck on this. I'm not sure anyone makes "Guy Making it in the City" movies that don't involve murders or threesomes.
**Tutorials on Finding Quirky Yet Endearing Supporting Characters and Landing the Soul-Crushing Job that Inevitably Somehow Leads to Your Dream Career will be forthcoming. Or not.
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