A Kentucky girl moves north. This could be interesting.


So a lot has happened in the past month. I got a job, graduated and it got sort of warm. Big milestones!! I suppose I'll have to stop posting here altogether since I blessedly will no longer be Living in a Northern Town. If I learned nothing else during my time in Madison, it's that I am not at all cut out to live up north. While my northerly friends may call me a wuss, I'd like to see them in Lexington in mid-August, then we'll see who's the basketcase! Although I was reading in the park today (it's sunny and 76! God be praised!) and was getting hot. I will need to reacclimate, and fast.

The one not-so-great thing about this warmer weather is that I have my windows open... and so do my neighbors. I find it baffling that I have not one, but two neighbors who are in love with Elton John. The across-the-alley neighbors were blasting "Tiny Dancer" and other assorted Greatest Hits which I vainly attempted to drown out by turning up the volume on my TV. Alas, the sounds of British comedy are helpless against Sir Elton. Things have also not improved with the Elephant Man, whose acquaintances have taken to leaning on the buzzer for twenty minutes when he doesn't answer, a buzzer I can hear clearly. Occasionally they will also stand below my window and shout "MIKE! HEY MIKE! LET ME IN MIKE! MIIIIIKE! COME ON MIKE! LET ME IN!" I am sorely tempted to lean out my window and yell, "IF HE DIDNT ANSWER HIS BUZZER THE FIRST 2195 TIMES YOU RANG, HE'S NOT GOING TO ANSWER TO YOUR SHOUTING AT HIM FROM THE ALLEY! HE LIVES IN A ONE-ROOM APARTMENT, IT'S NOT LIKE HE'S COMING TO ANSWER FROM THE EAST WING!" But I don't, because then they'd start yelling at me to let them in, because they are obviously dumber than a box of hammers.

There are many things I will miss about Madison (things I am reminded of as it slowly becomes not a barren wasteland), but this apartment is certainly not one of them.